
Diva Magazine 2004

Diva Magazine
February 2004

翻譯自2004年二月的Diva Magazine

I ask Tori if her tunes feel very different now?

"I think Playboy Mommy feels very different," she says. "I wrote it when I was in deep sadness, but with Natashya in my life now, I'm in very a different space. When I heard it, what I heard was the amount of love that this woman singing had inside her. My mother told me years ago that you won't love until you become a mother; unselfish love."
「我想"Playboy Mommy" 有很不同的感受。我在極悲傷的狀態下 寫下"Playboy Mommy", 但現在的我有了娜塔夏亞,處於不同的 時空,每當我聽到這首歌,我聽到的是這個女人唱出的愛;我的 母親曾告訴過我,當了母親之後你才會懂得愛,那是完全無私的 愛。」

And the other songs on the album?

"Well, my relationship with all my songs is only my relationship with them. I've come to understand that they have relationships with people, that all my fans have different pictures that they attach to the songs, and that's completely valid. When I perform, I walk into the song like it's architecture, a sonic building, and I have to bring my recent experiences to it to be able to sing it truthfully. So I might be seeing different pictures than when I wrote it, but that's the only way I can do it.”
「我和這些歌曲的關係就只是我個人和他們的關係。我了解到他 們有他們自己和他人的關係;我的歌迷們都有他們自己和這些歌 曲的關係。當我表演時,我走進歌曲,就像是走入音樂的建築物 ,我必須帶著我當時的經驗體悟,如此才能真實地演唱,因此我 可能有了和當時寫下這些歌曲時不同的觀點體悟,但這就是我能 做的。」

"The songs come inside me, re-form in me, and I see and sing from their perspective. Is my perspective similar? Sometimes, Sometimes maybe I'm the character that's in shock by this song's character's behaviour, but I'm there, singing from the other point of view."
「這些歌曲進到我的身體來,重新形塑,我從他們的觀點觀看他 們,演唱他們。那我的觀點是否和他們的觀點相似呢?有時候是 的,但也許有時候我會被歌曲自己的角色的行為嚇到,不過我還 是從他們的觀點演唱。」

Any Madonna and Britney-type collaborations planned?
有任何像瑪丹娜和小甜甜布蘭妮那樣合作的計劃嗎?(她們在 2003年MTV 音樂錄影帶頒獎典禮表演上女女親吻,而這個親吻 在2010年的一月剛被獲選十年來最佳接吻榜首。)

"I think - and I'll say this to the Diva readers - the one thing we need to understand is that if you're going to French kiss another woman, it doesn't mean you're going to be an ingenue at 40. If you're 20, it doesn't mean you're going to get wisdom. You're going to get some cute lipgloss on and a yummy feeling inside, but there's a bit of a devouring going on When someone French kisses another woman to try and get something, that isn't passion; it's very interesting to me, an intriguing study. If you're going to French kiss somebody, French kiss a woman that can say, 'Okay, honey; okay sister, come with me and I'll show you a tongue like you've never seen before'. If you're going to walk down that road, do it! A tongue does not touch the intelligence inside another person. you know, Madonna's sTayed around for 20 years, but Britney is not going to get that, and Madonna isn't going to become 20 years younger. I did not see 'I honour you' in that kiss. But that's me; that's what I saw."
「我想要告訴帝娃讀者的是,我們需要了解,如果你要和女人來 個法式熱吻,你不必須是個四十歲女人。如果你才二十歲,也不 表示你就會從這個親吻得到什麼智慧;你得到的只是一些唇膏, 還有可口的嗞味,但是兩個女人親吻試著得到的,應該是更全然 的情感,而不是單純的激情。這對我來說很有趣,是很吸引人的 課題。如果你要和別人來個熱吻,找個會說:『親愛的,沒問題 ,來吧,我會讓你瞧瞧你沒看過的唇舌。』的女人。如果你真想 像瑪丹娜和布蘭妮那麼做,就去做吧!唇舌是觸碰不到人內在的 才智的。瑪丹娜已經在歌壇二十年了,那是布蘭妮做不到的,瑪 丹娜也不會再年輕個二十歲,在那個吻裡,我看不到『我崇拜你 』的意涵在。但這只是個我個人想法,我個人看到的。」

