
keiko solo tour ~ on the way to YOU

大多數的時候keiko 都被燈光照得白亮,看不清他的臉和表情, 可是塗了紅色口紅的嘴,張得大大地,很賣地用他的聲音向大家 歌唱著。

帶了樂團的keiko 變成了搖滾女孩,非常有元氣地在舞台上跑來 跑去,band sound裡的keiko ,傳達出來的似乎是更直接的更有 溫度的,這或許是只有脫離globe 才能展現出來的,即便globe 的組合是這樣才華洋溢。keiko 擺動著身體,爽朗的笑著,用聲 音把大家拋得高遠,我看到的聽到的好像是更貼近真實的keiko 。

我也喜歡他就站在麥克風架前,雙手握著麥克風,就這樣唱完一 首歌的樣子。搖滾女孩也有感性的時候,我其實是聽不懂日文的 ,可是當大女孩唱著然後低了頭,也許在流淚時,我卻好像可以 體會keiko 唱到i am on the way to myself 的心情是如何。

faces places開頭台下的大合唱讓我感動,那讓我想起我改寫歌 詞抄在筆記本的第一頁,抱著那樣信念一個人在外地讀書的那段 日子。這樣多年過去了,我還是會偶爾哼著歌詞,在來來去去的 變化裡一個人looking for my places。

演唱在很有朝氣的we can do it,還有keiko 小姐瘋狂地噴灑礦 泉水裡結束,我笑了出來,但看得喜歡。

keiko solo tour ~ on the way to YOU ~ in 2000

1.Regret of the Day
3.Material Girl
4.Nothing ever makes me happy
6.Nobody Knows
8.I'm still alone
9.UNDER Your Sky
10.who can be the one for me?
11.wanna Be A Dreammaker
12.Because I LOVE the NIGHT
14.Can't take me eyes off you

15.on the way to YOU
16.very strawberry
17.we can do it
18.-instrumental-on the way to YOU


a waste of time



說了they are pieces of shit
還是they are a waste of time之類的話

我一起床想聽my iron lung

My iron lung

Faith, you're driving me away
You do it everyday
You don't mean it
But it hurts like hell

My brain says I'm receiving pain
A lack of oxygen
From my life support
My iron lung

We're too young to fall asleep
Too cynical to speak
We are losing it
Can't you tell?

We scratch our eternal itch
A twentieth century bitch
And we are grateful for
Our iron lung

The head shrinkers
They want everything
My uncle Bill
My Belisha beacon
The head shrinkers
They want everything
My uncle Bill
My Belisha beacon

Suck, suck your teenage thumb
Toilet trained and dumb
When the power runs out
We'll just hum

This, this is our new song
Just like the last one
A total waste of time
My iron lung

And if you're frightened
You can be frightened
You can be, it's OK
And if you're frightened
You can be frightened
You can be, it's OK