
blonde redhead / misery is a butterfly

紛擾的耳語都隱沒在嘈雜的樂音裡,我不需要冠冕堂皇的字眼、矯情的安慰。夢與記憶的一切已經不重要,時間己經凍結在去年夏天前的花園,空氣留有翅膀的哭聲。沒有什麼訊息要傳遞的,更沒有什麼「你要把你從自己的世界拯救出來。」的使命。凝聚成形的、必須與之對抗的即是那些飛舞的蝶與影。美麗的醜陋的你們他們,我張開雙眼watch, swallow, and then grow up.


Misery is a butterfly

Dearest Jane I should’ve known better
But I couldn’t say hello, I didn’t know why
But now I think, I think you were sad
Yes you were, you were, you were

What I say, I say only to you
Cause I love and I love only you
Dearest Jane, I want to give you a dream
That no one has given you

Remember when we found misery
We watched her, watched her spread her wings
And slowly fly around our room
And she asked for your gentle mind

Misery is a butterfly
Her heavy wings will warp your mind
With her small ugly face
And her long antenna
And her black and pink heavy wings

Remember when we found misery
We watched her, watched her spread her wings
And slowly fly around our room
And she asked for your gentle mind

