
but i still like her

我問丹在德國念音樂的主修是什麼,他慢慢地說出:「大鍵琴」三個字,然後我很興奮地跟他說我最喜歡的tori有用大鍵琴做音樂(事實上我就是從tori知道大鍵琴),沒想到丹也知道tori,這是我所認識第一個知道tori的活生生的外國人耶。丹說他喜歡他早期的作品,我在旁邊非常開心地一直點頭表示認同,說以前的作品真的很棒,不過他也很直接地說:"I don't know what she's doing now"這樣簡潔誠實的感言,加上個很犀利的表情,我苦笑,回答他:"I know what you mean. But I still like her."

*harpsichord 大鍵琴

I asked Dan what his major in music was. He answered "harpsichord", and I was so very excited to tell him that one of my favorite singer song writers Tori Amos used harpsichord in her music. To my surprise, he heard of Tori, and told me he liked her early stuff. I couldn't stop nodding my head and told him her early works were really good. And then, with a harsh look, he said "I don't know what she's doing now." I paused for a second and gave him a smile of understanding.

"I know what you mean. But I still like her," I said.

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