
aren't you tired of this

aren't you tired of this
finding lies
in order to get the truth
but finding more lies instead

what's under those shattered pieces

the truth is out there
just have to know where to look at
maybe we've got the answer
which you just deny
and keep on searching another one

how to look back in a one-way track

aren't you tired of this
to be showned somthing
pieces of something
and then be taken away
again and again

those pieces of something is what's only left

i want to believe
your searching
for those faces
missing, blinding, sacrificing
and for yourself
nobody but the believer

but i think i'm tired of this

almost dying

can it all just be a dream

when i walk out of the door
will i wake up
out of the world

inspired by:
'Mad World', a 'x-files' vid
video: spooky_dan
music: "mad world" by Gary Jules

3 則留言:

spooky_dan 提到...

hey you didnt ask for my permission to host my music video?

playboymommy 提到...

hi spooky_dan

i guess there must be some mistake. i didn't host your mus

ic video here or elsewhere online. i downloaded this video from

your website a few months ago (which is recommended at a chinese

x-files forum). i love your vid so much. and these pieces of wo

rds are just something inspired by your music video. hope i don

't make you feel offended.

spooky_dan 提到...

no worries glad you liked you can see the rest at my new site

