二千零一年Tori離開舊東家前最後發行了翻唱專輯"Strange Little Girls",Tori的理念策略是「將男性寫的歌以女性的聲音重新發聲」,由 唱片內頁十二個不同造型的女性代表十二個女聲角色,取代原本男性的聲 音,重新唱出說出女性的聲音。
引發最大討論的翻唱,恐怕就是當今饒舌音樂另一具爭議性 但也具指標性男性歌手講述殺妻棄屍故事的歌曲了。但是我始終想不清楚 經過紅頭女人重新翻唱,引起嘩然的"97 Bonnie and Clyde"的主敘者 站立的位置與發出的聲音、講述的故事之間關係究竟是如何?如果發聲的 主敘者是即將被丟入冰冷海水的母親的亡魂,為何發出的聲音如此冷冽詭 異?而且與Eminem化身父親男聲講述的故事竟然一個字都沒有變?
但是發聲的聲音不同不就已經代表主敘者已經變了嗎?當我第一次聽到這 亡魂的詭異女聲實在覺得毛骨悚然,那時我不就很清楚這個女生女聲跟 原作的男生男聲是完全不同的兩個人嗎?但是我的問題就是沒法化解敘 述者的聲音與敘述的故事之間的矛盾啊,怎麼會這樣?述說者是以as a mother的身份,站在什麼地方講述的?如果說就是以as a mother 的地方 、位置講述的啊,然而和敘述的故事不是還是有所衝突嗎?我還是沒法解 決這個部分唉。
Tori接受訪問講到:"The view changes depending on where you're standing. I had the opportunity to flip the script." 我或許還沒 有辦法確定我聆聽這首歌曲故事的位置,但要是沒有已死母親借(紅頭 女人的)屍還魂的話,我不會注意到這則故事裡那位差點就被大家遺忘的 母親還有她可能的聲音。
originally performed by Eminem
covered by Tori Amos
baby, your da-da loves you
and i'm always gonna be here for you
no matter what happened
you're all i got in this world
i'd never give you up for nothing
nobody in this world is ever gonna keep you from me
i love you
come on, hey hey, we going to the beach
grab a couple of toys, and let da-da strap you in the car seat
where's mama? she's taking a little nap in the trunk
oh that smell; da-da musta runned over a skunk
now i know what you're thinking; it's kinda late to go swimming
but you know you're mama
she's one of those type of women, that do crazy things
and if she don't get her way, she'll throw a fit
don't play wit da-da's toy knife honey, let go of it
now don't look so upset, why you acting bashful
don't you wanna help da-da build a sand castle
and mama said she wants to show you how far she can float
don't worry about that little boo-boo on her throat
it's just a little scratch, it don't hurt
her was eating dinner while you were sweeping
spilt ketchup on her shirt
mama's messy isn't she
we'll let her wash off in the water
and me and you can pway by ourselves, can't we
just the two of us, just the two of us
just the two of us
just the two of us
see honey, there';s a place called heaven and a place called hell
there's a placed called prison and a place called jail
and da-da's probably on his way to all of 'em, except one
cause mama's got a new husband, and a stepson
and you don't want a brother do ya
maybe when you're old enough to understand a little better
i'll explain it to you
but for now, we'll just say mama was real real bad
she was being mean to dad, and made him real real mad
but i still feel sad that i put her on timeout
sit back in your chair, honey, quit trying to climb out
i told you it's ok, hey hey, you wanna bah-bah
take a night-night
na-na-goo-goo gah-gah
or make coo-coo-cocka
da'll change your di-ey
clean the baby up so i can take a nighty-nighty
your da&'ll wake her up as soon as we get to the water
97' bonnie & clyde, me and my daughter
me and my daughter
me and my daughter
just the two of us, just the two of us
just the two of us
just the two of us
wake up sweepy head, we're here
before we pway
we gonna take mommy for a wittle walk out on the pier
baby don't cry honey, don't get the wrong idea
mama's too sweepy to hear you screaming in her ear
that's why you can't get her to wake
but don't worry
da-da made a nice bed for mommy at the bottom of the lake
here, you wanna help da-da tie a rope around this rock
we'll tie it to her footsy, then we'll roll her off the dock
ready now, here we go, on the count of phree
1, 2, phree, weeeeeeee
there goes mama, spwashing in the water
no more fighting wit dad
no more restraining order
no more step da-da
no more brother
blow her kisses buh-bye
tell mommy you love her
now we'll go play in the sand, build a sand castle and junk
but first, just help dad with two more things out of the trunk
just. the. two. of. us...
1 則留言:
"She wonders what her daughter will do."
必須回來確認just the two of us的us是媽媽和女兒而不是爸爸和女兒
所以媽媽一定要回來claim her identity; claim her love for her dau
ghter,然後親耳聽到女兒一句i love you阿
baby, your da-da loves you
and i'm always gonna be here for you
no matter what happened
you're all i got in this world
i'd never give you up for nothing
nobody in this world is ever gonna keep you from me
i love you
tell mommy you love her, little girl