paul auster的小說也會讓人覺得巧合,可是實在沒有追風箏的孩子讀來那種強烈的操控感manipulated,不管是情節的轉折,還是想傳達的訊息,明顯in a particular purpose。是這樣的意圖讓我覺得小說讀來總是太重總是少了後勁。
"Hassan had said in his letter that the pomegranate tree hadn't borne fruit in years. Looking at the wilted, leafless tree, I doubted it ever would again. I stood under it, remembered all the times we'd climbed it, straddled its branches, our lega swinging, dappled sunlight flickering through the leaves and casting on our faces a mosaic of light and shadow. The tangy taste of pomegranate crept into my mouth.
I hunkered down on my knees and brushed my hands against the trunk. I found what I was looking for. The carving had dulled, almost faded altogether, but it was still there: "Amir and Hassan. The Sultans of Kabul." I traced the curve of each letter with my fingers. Picked small bits of bark from the tiny crevasses."