Oracle Night
Paul Auster
就像Sidney對自己把Nick的處境寫進了死胡同,無法救他出來的無力感,讀完Nick Bowen的段落我有很深的失落。你看Nick上方的燈泡都燒掉了,我還想著Sidney會不會繼續寫這個故事,可惜沒有,Bowen現在還一個人困在深深的黑暗裡欸。也許我該買本藍色筆記本來。
Sidney告訴John Grace懷孕的事,John給Sidney他的手稿,Sidney弄丟了手稿,John知道後的反應,這段的故事發展在了解了可能的祕密之後覺得安排地巧妙,如同Sidney一樣,在他看到John寫來的信件那裡看得感動,也讓整本書有個正向的結尾,好險(呼)。
I felt strongly lost after Sidney wrote Nick Bowen into the dead end. I still wondered if Sidney would continue the story and save Nick out. But no. Bowen is still stuck in the deep darkness as the overhead light burns out. Maybe I should buy a blue notebook I think.
I was quite touched as Sidney when he read the letter from John. It warmed the ending after all those depression.
"Kiss Gracie for me - and don't give up on Flitcraft. All you need is a different notebook, and the words will start coming again."