接著假四月先生坐了下來,戴上藤編帽,喝著手上的啤酒,轉頭向三月兔女孩說話,我坐在他們的後 面,和公主唱著「如果你愛我,請求你說,說一個完美的謊話,讓我感動 」,我唱著歌,手上沒有 啤酒,真正的四月先生終究沒有出現,這只是我自己一個人的mad tea party。
Then the fake Mr. April sat down and put on the hat. He started to drink the beer and turned back to talk to the March Hare girl. I was sitting behind them, singing the tune with the singer on the stage. "If you love me, please tell me. Please tell me a perfect lie, to make me touched by." I sang the song and didn't have any wine. The real Mr. April didn't show up till the end. This was only a mad tea party of my own.
i finally got a tea party card. (grin)
*swap card with catherine from russia
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