a hedge maze
"What will grow crooked, you can't make straight," 湯姆大叔說的好像沒錯。
I was walking on the narrow path. With no one but myself. Everyone seemed to be gone at sudden. The height of the hedge was about the me in tip toe. I could see the exit on the right, jut right before me. So I picked a turn. A dead end. I picked another turn. And another dead end. The luck I carried so for seemed to pop in the air at once just right after I had found myself the exit from the maze. I started to feel a little worried. If I cound walk through the hedge walls like a ghost, the way to go out was just two-minute straight away. But I would have evaporated in the sunshine before reaching the exit I am sure.
So I was walking again, well with my feet. Step by step. I followed my shadow. I didn't remember when but it started to become easier. After turns and turns that I couldn't recall how many, I finally got to the place I was looking for.
"What will grow crooked, you can't make straight," I guess Uncle Thom is right.