Diary text from Scarlet's Walk 2002 Tourbook Copyright September 2002 by Neil Gaiman.
日記內容出自Scarlet's Walk 2002 Tourbook
版權由尼爾蓋曼(Neil Gaiman)所有
Pages from a Journal found in a shoebox left in a Grayhound Bus somewhere between Tulsa, Oklahoma and Louisville, Kentucky.
日誌在行駛於奧克拉荷馬土耳沙還有肯塔基路易斯維爾之間的灰狗巴士 上,遺留的鞋盒裡找到。
Monday 28th
I guess I've been following Scarlet for a long time now. Yesterday I was in Las Vegas. Walking across the parking lot of a casino, I found a postcard. There was a word written on it in crimson lipstick. One word: REMEMBER.
On the other side of the postcard was a highway in Montana.
I don't remember what it is I'm meant to remember. I'm on the road now, driving north.
我已經追尋史卡莉特一陣子了。昨天我人在拉斯維加斯,經過賭場的停車 場時,我發現一張明信片,上頭用深紅色的口紅寫著一個字:記得 (REMEMBER)。
Tuesday 29th
I'm in Montana, or maybe Nebraska. I'm writing this in a motel. There's a wind gusting outside my room, and I drink black motel coffee, just like I'll drink it tomorrow and the night after that. In a small town diner today I heard someone say her name. "Scarlet's on the road," said the man. He was a traffic cop, and he changed the subject when I got close and listened.
He was talking about a head-on collision. The broken glass glittered on the road like diamonds. He called me "Ma'am," politely.
我人在蒙大納,或者是內布拉斯加。我在汽車旅館裡寫這篇日誌。房間外 一陣風呼嘯而過,我喝著旅館的黑咖啡。今天在鎮上的小餐館我聽到有人 提到史卡莉特。「她在路上。」那個男人說。他是個交通警察。正當我湊 過身要聽仔細時,他改變了話題。
他講到一起正面相撞的車禍,破碎的玻璃散在路上閃閃發亮像鑽石一般。 他很有禮貌地稱我「女士」。
Wednesday 30th
"It's not the work that gets to you so bad," said the woman. "It's the way that people stare." She was shivering. It was a cold night and she wasn't dressed for it.
"I'm looking for Scarlet," I told her.
She squeezed my hand with hers, then she touched my cheek, so gently. "Keep looking, hon," she said. "You'll find her when you're ready." Then she sashayed on down the street.
I wasn't in a small town any longer. Maybe I was in Saint Louis. How can you tell if you're in Saint Louis? I looked for some kind of arch. Something linking East and West, but if it was there I missed it.
Later, I crossed a river.
「糟糕的不是工作,」那個女人說。「而是人們盯著你看的那副 模樣。」她顫抖著。那是個寒於的夜晚,她穿得不夠多。
她緊握著我的手,摸了我的臉頰,很溫柔。「親愛的,繼續找下去。」 她說。「當你凖備好的時候,你就會找到她。」然後她走入街道。
我今天不在小城鎮,也許我是在聖路易斯。但是要怎麼知道是不是在聖 路易斯?我尋找著連接東部和西部的拱門,但如果有的話,我也錯過了。
Thursday 31st
There were blueberries growing wild by the side of the road. A red thread was caught in the bushes. I'm scared that I'm looking for something that does not exist anymore. Maybe it never did.
I spoke to a woman I used to love today, in a cafe in the desert. She's a waitress there, a long time ago.
"I thought I was your destination," she told me. "Looks like I was just another stop on the line."
I couldn't say anything to make it better. She couldn't hear me. I should have asked if she knew where Scarlet was.
路旁開滿了藍莓,樹叢裡發現了紅色的絲線。我害怕我在找已不存在的東 西,又或者它從來不曾存在過。
今天在沙漠的餐館,我和一個我過去愛過的女人說話。很久之前,她是那 裡的服務生。
Friday 32nd
I DREAMED of Scarlet last night. She was huge and wild, and she was hunting for me. In my dream, I knew what she looked like. When I woke I was in a pick-up truck, parked by the side of the road. There was a man shining a flashlight in the window at me. He called me Sir and asked me for I.D.
I told him who I thought I was and who I was looking for. He just laughed, and walked away, shaking his head. He was humming a song I didn't know. I drove the pickup south, into the morning. Sometimes I fear this is becoming an obsession. She's walking. I'm driving. Why is she always so far ahead of me?
我昨晚夢到史卡莉特。她高大狂野,正在捕獵我。在夢裡,我清楚她的樣 貌。當我醒來時,我人在一輛皮卡車上,車子停在路邊。有個人拿著手電 筒朝向窗子照著我,他叫了我聲先生,然後要求我出示身份。
我告訴他我是誰,還有我在找誰。他笑了笑,走掉了,一邊搖頭,哼著我 不知道的曲子。我開著皮卡,向南行,一路開到白天。有時候我害怕我追 尋史卡莉特變得走火入魔了。她用走的,我開著車,為什麼她還總是遠遠 在我前頭?
Saturday 1st
I found a shoebox that I keep things in. In a Jacksonville McDonald's late a quarter pounder with cheese and a chocolate milkshake, and I spread everything I keep in the shoebox out on the table in front of me: the red thread from the blueberry bush; the postcard; a Polaroid photograph I found on some fennel-blown wasteland beside Sunset Boulevard it shoes two girls whispering secretly, their faces blurred; an audio cassette; some golden glitter in a tiny bottle I was given in Washington D.C.; pages I've torn from books and magazines. A casino chip. This journal.
"When you die," says a dark-haired woman at the next table, "they can make you into diamonds now. It's scientific. That's how I want to be remembered. I want to shine."
我找到個可以放東西的鞋盒。在杰克遜維爾的麥當勞吃大芝士漢堡和巧克 力奶昔,我把鞋盒裡的東西全倒在桌上:藍莓樹叢的紅絲線、明信片、日 落大道旁荒地發現的拍立得相片,上頭兩個女孩交頭耳語,臉龐模糊不清 、一捲卡式錄音帶、閃著金色光彩的小瓶子,那是我在華盛頓特區得到的 、從書本還有雜誌上撕下來的書頁。還有個賭場的籌碼,及這本日誌。
「當你死了。」坐在隔壁桌的深色頭髮女人說。「他們可以把你製成鑽石 。我想這樣被記著,閃閃發亮。」
Sunday 2nd
The paths that ghosts follow are written on the land in old words. Ghosts don't take the interstate. They walk. Is that what I'm following, here? Sometimes it seems like I'm looking out through her eyes. Sometimes it feels like she's looking out through mine.
I'm in Wilmington, North Carolina. I write this on an empty beach, while the sunlight glitters on the sea, and I feel so alone.
We make it up as we go along. Don't we?
鬼魂走在以古語寫成的陸地小徑,不走州際公路。他們行走。那就是我在 追尋的嗎?有時候像是我透過她的眼睛在觀看;有時候又覺得是她透過我 的眼睛在觀看。
我人在威明頓,北卡羅來納。我在空無一人的海灘寫這篇日誌,陽光照著 海水發亮,我感到如此孤獨。
Monday 3rd
I was in Baltimore, standing on a sidewalk in the light fall rain, wondering where I was going. I think I saw Scarlet in a car, coming toward me. She was a passenger. I could not see her face, but her hair was red. The woman who drove the car, an elderly pick-up truck, was fat and happy, and her hair was long and black. Her skin was dark.
I slept that night in the house of a man I did not know. When I woke, he said, "She's in Boston."
"The one you're looking for."
I asked how he knew, but he wouldn't talk to me. After a while he asked me to leave, and, soon enough, I did. I want to go home. If I knew where it was, I would. Instead I hit the road.
我人在巴的摩爾,站在下著秋天小雨的人行道上,想著我要到哪裡?我想 我看見了史卡莉特,坐在車裡,向我駛來。她是個乘客,我看不見她的臉 ,但她的頭髮是紅色的。開著老皮卡的女人胖胖的,蠻開心的,她的頭髮 長,黑色,皮膚黑。
我問他怎麼知道的,他不告訴我。一會兒後,他要我離開,很快,我就 離開了。我想要回家。如果我知道家在哪裡的話,我就會回家了。於是我 又上路了。
Tuesday 4th
Passing Newark at midday, I could see the tip of New York, already smudged dark by dust in the air, now scumbled into night by a thunderstorm. It could have been the end of the world.
I think the world will end in black and white, like an old movie. (Hair as black as coal, sugar, skin as white as snow.) Maybe as long as we have colours we can keep going. (Lips as red as blood, I keep reminding myself.)
I made Boston in the early evening. I find myself looking for her in mirrors and reflections. Some days I remember when the white people came to this land, and when the black people stumbled ashore in chains. I remember when the red people walked to this land, when the land was younger.
I remember when the land was alone.
"How can you sell your mother. That was what the first people said, when asked to sell the land they walked upon."
中午的時候經過紐華克,我看得到紐約,滿天塵土燻得污黑,雷雨開始, 天黑得像夜,像世界末日。
我想世界結束時將會是黑與白,像是老電影一樣。(頭髮黑得像煤炭,皮 膚白得像雪。)有許只要還有顏色,世界就還不會結束。(嘴唇紅得像血 ,我不斷提醒自己。)
傍晚時我到達波士頓。我在鏡子和反射裡找尋她。我記得白人來到這土地 ;黑人蹣跚而行,帶著鍊銬;印地安人也在這,更早之前。
「你怎麼可以賣掉你的母親。」當被要求賣掉腳下這塊土地時,他們這樣 回答。
Tuesday 5th
She spoke to me last night. I'm certain it was her. passed a payphone on the street in Metairie, LA. It rang, I picked up the headset.
"Are you okay?" said a voice.
"Who is this?" I asked. "Maybe you have the wrong number."
"Maybe I do," she said. "But are you okay?"
"I don't know," I said.
"Know that you are loved," she said. And I knew that it had to be her. I wanted to tell her that I loved her too, but by then she'd already put down the phone. If it was her. She was only there for a moment. Maybe it was a wrong number, but I don't think so.
I'm so close now. I buy a postcard from a homeless guy on the sidewalk with a blanket of stuff, and I write REMEMBER on it, in lipstick, so now I won't ever forget, but the wind comes up and carries it away, and just for now I guess I'm going to keep on walking.
我昨晚和她說話。我很確定那是她。經過洛杉磯梅特略街上的付費電話時, 電話響了,我拿起話筒。
「你要知道你是被愛著的。」她說。我知道那是她。我想要告訴她我也愛 她,但是她已經掛上電話了。如果那真是她。她只在那停留了一會兒。也 許是打錯了,但是我不這麼想。
現在我和她是如此接近。我向行人道上的流浪漢買了張明信片,用口紅寫 上「記得」(REMEMBER),這樣一來我就不會忘記,但風吹來把明信片吹走 了,我想我將繼續往前走了。
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