hi there,
a crow came to the land today.
i was taking a walk along the shore, and found a feather lying on the sand. the feather shone in the sunlight. i don't know a dark thing can be so beautiful and bright. long before i noticed, there stood a crow.
the crow stared at me, without moving or making a sound. i wondered what it wanted. water, food, or maybe it didnt want anything at all. i stared back at the crow.
i felt amazed to see how beautiful the creature is. it's as dark as darkness can be, and every darkness has its own. the sun shone the crow bright and showed a slanted shadow. the shadow was inky dark on the white sand. i noticed i had a shadow as well, dark and slanted as well. i stared at the shadow. it seemed to remind me of something in a deep place.
so me and the crow, my shadow and the crow's shadow, we kept each other company in the early afternoon. i didn't know how long it passed; and suddenly, the crow seemed to notice something, making a sound, and flew away.
i decided to keep the feather.
have a good day.
sep.5, 2018