"23 magic, if you can change your life."
我不知道要怎麼解釋,可能可以稱之為註定,也可能只是巧合,不過我 可以確定的是:一切都跟23有關。
我記不得是哪個關鍵時刻我決定改變。可能是看見和莫里斯之間存在裂 縫的時候;可能是跟即將到另一塊大陸生活的朋友揮手道別的時候;可 能是在糟糕透了的工作後,看到朋友開心微笑的照片的時候;又或許是 那個我醒來,安靜地躺在床上,困惑著我的未來的早晨。
總之,某個我回想不起來的日子,我決定改變我的人生,然後從那之後 這就成了我牢牢惦記的事。
也許這對很多人來說很簡單,但對我來說並不容易。沒錯,我決定辭掉 我做了很久的工作。
六月二十三號這天,我做了個夢。我夢到我在老闆面前說要辭職。如果 你是個心理學家的話,你可能會說我一定是壓力太大了,但是我只能說 我有讓我的夢境成真的魔法。兩個月後,我告訴老闆我要辭去工作。我 甚至還用了那個排練辭職的夢裡的台詞。後來我才注意到,那天也是二 十三號。
十月的第二個星期五,我收到張來自德國的明信片。上面印了約翰藍儂 的話:Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans. 這張卡來的時機真是太完美了。那天,我把 明信片留在桌上,離開了房間,然後結束了我做了七年的工作。
十天前我訂了到北島的機票,我打算在那裡旅行一年。我有提到前往的 日子也是二十三號嗎?欸,我真的不是刻意安排的,我早說了一切都跟 23有關!
"23 magic, if you can change your life."
I don't know how to explain it. Maybe I can call it's fate or maybe it's nothing but some random coincidences. However, there's only one thing I can be sure: it's all about 23.
I can't recall when's the crucial moment I decided to have a change. Maybe it's the moment that I saw the gap between Morris and me. Maybe it's the moment I waved goodbye to my friend who's going to start a life in another continent. Maybe it's the moment I saw a photo of a smiling face of my friend's after a lousy working day. Or maybe it's the morning that I woke up early, lying on the bed quietly and was confused about my uncertain future.
So anyway, one day, which I can't recall, I made up my mind to change my life, and it has become the only thing I keep in mind since then.
It may sound easy for most of the other people, but it's never easy for me. Yes, I want to leave the job which I've been working for a long time.
On the day June the 23rd, I had a weird dream. I dreamed of me making a speech of quitting the job in front of my boss. I know if you are a psychologist, you may tell me I'm under too much pressure, but I can tell you I have the magic to make my dream come true. Two months later, I told my boss my quitting. I even stole some lines from my rehearsal dream. And I didn't notice that it's date 23rd until then.
On the second Friday in October, I received a postcard from Germany. It has a quote by John Lennon. It says: "Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans." It sure came at the perfect time. I left the card on the table, and left the house, and then left the job I worked for seven years on that day.
I felt relieved that it's not 23 years then.
So I quit.
And I'm busy making other plans.
I booked the ticket to the the North Island ten days ago. I'm going traveling there for a year. And did I mention the date of heading to the new place is 23rd as well? Well, I didn't plan it on purpose though. I've told you it's all about 23!